Geography of the Non-Western World:       GEO 105  Recitation

Lab #9             Final Exam Review Lab        Week of 5/29/00


Name:________________________________Recitation #:_______  Group #:______


Objective: To do well on the final exam! This lab is designed to help you study for the final, and has no essay or worksheet to hand in. Good luck!


South Asia

1. South Asia’s cultural hearth was located in which present-day country? What was the name of this ancient civilization?


2. Where would you go to visit a substantial population of Dravidians?


3. Briefly describe the development of the three significant religions in south Asia: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.


- Which of these religions developed first in south Asia? Which was introduced last?


- Hinduism was brought to India by which group of people?


- Asoka,  one of the leaders of the Mauryan Empire, was instrumental in the spread of which religion in south and southeast Asia?


- Which of these three religions originated in India but is not a predominant religion in present-day India?


4. Answer the following question and explain whether it is true or false:

‘In 1947, British India became three countries: India, East Pakistan, and West Pakistan.’


5. What have been some negative side effects to the Green Revolution? What have been some positive side effects?


6. Why is Bangladesh so susceptible to natural disasters (cyclones, flooding)?


7. Explain how the following differ between India and Pakistan:

            - language                     - writing                        -religion

            - politics                        - geo-politics


8. What started the Kashmir problem? When did it start?


East Asia

1. What ethnic group is the majority in China? Where would you travel to find this majority?


2. What predominant religion would you encounter if you traveled to Tibet? How about in Xinjiang?


3. The Three Gorges Dam is currently under construction along which river in China?


4. When traveling China, which river would you visit to see the level of the river bed up to 70 feet above the ground level in some areas? This is the result of soil erosion from what plateau?


5. The civil war between the nationalists and communists led to the founding of two Chinese republics. When did this occur? What territory did each political party (i.e., communists and nationalists) control? Who was the first leader for each republic?


6. Economic development in China was most successful under which leader: Mao Zedong or Deng Xiaoping? Briefly explain.


7. What is the significance of the Meiji Restoration with respect to Japan’s first miracle?


8. Describe at least two differences between Japan’s first and second miracles.


9. Answer the following question and explain why it is true or false:

‘Japan’s economic success is mainly due to the country’s large amounts of natural resources located on all four major islands.’


10. When and how did Korea become divided into North and South? Give the official names of these two countries.


11. Explain why North Korea and South Korea could compliment each other with respect to resources.


Southeast Asia

1. Why have hostilities toward Chinese immigrants existed in SE Asia?


2. Create a map of European colonial presence in SE Asia.


3. What is unique about Thailand -- compared to all the other SE Asian countries -- with respect to colonialism?


4. What religion do five mainland countries in SE Asia have in common?


5. What country in SE Asia has a Chinese majority? What else is unique about this country?


6. What are the differences between the two cities – Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh – in Vietnam?


7. What country is the world’s largest Muslim country in terms of population?


8. Which country established a transmigration (also called ‘translocation’ – remember SE Asia video) policy? Why?